The Joyful Mysteries, as prayed for this year's election, were written by myself. I hope this can help you in further reflection as it did for me and my family. It may not be a "wow-you-over" kind of prayer, but it's something...
1. The Annunciation = The "Yes!"
May we too say "yes" to voting for our values, not just because it is our obligation - but because we desire it too. May we say "yes" to going to the polls, to accepting our role as Faithful Citizens. May we put God's will above our own. God's will to let all living things prosper and die on his own terms - not ours.
2. The Visitation = Recognition
Like Elizabeth recognized Mary as the Mother of God, may we recognize the person God would choose to be our nation's leader. May we be excited and enthused about this valuable candidate. Bring into our lives others wiser than we may be to help us in this decision.
3. The Nativity = A Gift
The nativity represents many gifts: the shelter of the manger, the christ child, the wise men's gifts, the guiding star... May we follow that guiding star, spend time in quiet adoration and thoughtful prayer and worship, and open the doors to our hearts and let Jesus dwell within us. We pray for a respect of all life, the ability to live humbly, and the willingness to give our vote as a gift to God. Let each of our votes be given to represent so many of those babies unable to make this decision.
4. The Presentation = Guidance
Mary and Joseph knew the proper place to go gor guidance. Like them, may we turn to the CatholicChurch for guidance and instruction. On how to vote, what to pray for, what to hope foe, and what to do if the wrong person is elected. May we offer our lives as a service to God, rather than for ourselves.
5. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple = Learn
Jesus proved himself knowledgeble in the presence of the elders. May we continue to educate ourselves in the faith - immerse ourselves in the Church's teachings about being a faithful citizen. Lord, help us spend more time in prayer this week, and help other find Christ to be their true leader and teacher in all of life's situations. Let the Holy Spirit be our guide.
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