Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Family Centered SIXTH Cesarean

It was out of our humanity that we conceived a child,

but it was from our faith in God and cherishing all life

that she was born.

Growing In Grace: 23w2d


An eighth pregnancy was definitely a surprise. But as before, we knew it would be a good one.


I knew I'd get bigger, when I was already big.

Growing In Grace: in my tummy wk38


I knew my youngest wouldn't be my baby anymore.

Growing in Grace: Little HandsGrowing in Grace: Last night as my baby


I knew we'd be maxing out our suburban.

Growing in Grace: Fully Loaded Suburban


And I knew it would mean more diapers, more food, and more self help books.

Modest Mommies: Cloth Diapering SetupMichalek Kitchen: Making freezer meals

Growing in Grace: Nighstand reading


But when I packed up our children for Grandma

Growing in Grace: Going to Grandmas

Packed my bags

Growing in Grace: Hospital Bags

And hitched a ride to the Hospital

Growing in Grace: Hospital Prep

We knew that everything was going to go wonderfully.

Growing in Grace: 6 Cesarean Delivery

As she was placed upon my chest and began to nurse.

Growing in Grace: Family Centered Cesarean

And my baby and my husband got to be there - the whole time.

Growing in Grace: Happiest Moment


She's beautifully perfect.

Growing in Grace: M 2 days old hatGrowing in Grace: M 2 days old

Just like the others.

Growing in Grace: Family Visits

Things went so well, we couldn't wait to bring her home, so we left earlier than ever before.

Modest Mommies: Infant Carseat going home


It's been challenging at home, but everyone has had their chance to hold and love her.

Homegrown Catholics: Saint Patricks Day

Growing in Grace: Big Sister

Growing in Grace: New big brother

Growing in Grace: The Girls 2014

Growing in Grace: Biggest BrotherGrowing in Grace: Big Brothers


It is NOT easy to be a mother of many children. But I love them, and I am glad that God called me to be a mother to such delightful young souls. It's not about me and what I want for my life. Most likely, it's about them and who they will become and the lives they'll touch. God has a plan for each and every one, even if I didn't plan any of them. Who am I to mess with God's plan!?

Growing in Grace: Mommy Selfie

God is good!